Monday, February 20, 2012

First Quilts

This was my first quilt. Not the first one I made, but the first one I ever had. My Great Aunt Betty made this for me when I was a baby. The patches are scraps from polyester pant suits. As a kid I loved all the colors and the raised textures of the fabric. It is so warm!

Thirty-something years later this is still my favorite quilt. It was on my bed when I moved away to college, and has padded boxes in numerous subsequent moves. It has been on countless picnics and covered lots of ugly sofas. 
I have made quite a few 'first quilts' for my friends' children. Today I finally finished the binding on a quilt for Miles. His mom and I traveled in Asia together and I got a bit carried away with the Asian prints as you can see the effect is somewhat dizzying. whoops.

 I was thinking of all the young people I have made quilts for; Nathalea, Danae, Phineas, Marann, and Quincy Clementine. I don't have pictures of any of these but here is one that I made for Naomi Pearl.

I wonder, which of these quilts will inspire a quilter?


  1. What great memories made and in the making. Miles is going to have fun looking at all the little things going on in the fabrics! What fun. We never do know what will inspire do we?

  2. So glad you kept your first quilt. I still have mine, too, but it predates polyester by several decades. It's a Sunbonnet Sue made with 30's fabrics and was made by my grandma's neighbor when I was born...1939. I treasure it! First quilts are the best!!!!
